How to write a great content 2019

Press releases is a kind of document which aimed at the media. True to its name, press release publish a series of news, including scheduled events, awards ceremonies, recruiting staff, launching new products & services … to reporters.

It is a tool of PR and can help marketers tell their own story and guide their followers in their own way. There are some useful ways to help you get a successful press release below:

  • Check: a press release should be written in Words or another type instead of you writing it on a website directly, because you won’t get the best results when writing on the web. Write, print and then check it carefully. Rewrite and check again. Through this, you will give your company good impressions with the the press, media.
  • Impressive opening: the title, the whole and the first paragraph of the article should clearly show your messages The rest of the article will supplement with more detailed information. You only have a few short moments to entice the reader, so start getting fascinated so that people continue to follow your posts.
  • Be professional: people just need to take a quick look at a few sentences will know whether a press release is written seriously or not. If your article contains too many slang words, too much embellishment will make your press release turn into a joke. It’s the easiest way to ruin the reputation of a company because the truth is always confirmed later.
  • Selective Writing: not everything from big to small, from detail to general can become a news. When writing a press release, you should consider selectively attractive topic which attracting people, not writing in the direction that you enjoy. Of course, the viewer is not only you but everyone from the audience, the company’s customers to the media. So writing with selection, put yourself in the mind of the reader will be. Make your press release easy to reach more people!
  • Choose one aspect: when writing a press release, choose an article that the media feels interested in. Be sure to create a “shock” which makes people wanto to know and follow your story.
Here are a few tips
  • Research other articles to see what the style of a standard press release is.
  • Always update infomations at the earliest possible time.
  • Avoid using specialized terminology and lexicons.
  • Provide full information about your products and services.

ADI-Digi is an independent management consultancy dedicated to creating value for ADI Group, its customers and external companies that seek to improve their Marketing, Digital Marketing platform performance.

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